DCLM Daily Manna Tuesday 25 July 2023 – Don’t Play God!
DCLM Daily Manna Tuesday 25 July 2023
TOPIC: Don’t Play God!
TEXT: Job 22:1-11 (KJV)
“Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered and said, Is not thy wickedness great? and thine iniquities infinite?”
(Job 2:1,5)
DCLM Daily Manna Tuesday 25 July 2023 MESSAGE
The danger of too much learning and knowledge not being moderated is that it can make one arrogant. It makes one assume every other person is wrong in their views and that you alone have the correct answers and solutions to every issue. He craves to be given attention, consulted and heard at all times. Such a person does not have regard for other persons and often feels he is above all.
Eliphaz was not pleased with Job’s argument because he felt he knew better and had superior arguments that would convict Job of his guilt. He levelled some accusations that were so direct at Job as if he was an eyewitness. He assumed the role of God and, therefore, came into the scene as a self-appointed adjudicator. God would later rebuke him alongside Zopher and Bildad, his other friends.
READ DCLM Daily Manna Monday 24 July 2023 – Don’t Let Them Break You
So many people have assumed the role of God in the lives of other people around them. Because of their knowledge and other gifts they have, they believe they know all things and have answers to every problem. Their knowledge makes them conclude too quickly on matters without carefully considering other possibilities to the issue or listening to the opinions of others. In their elevated positions, they expect that others will defer to them and consult them as living oracles before taking important decisions in life.
God has endowed us with knowledge and gifts so we can use them to draw people’s attentions to Him and not block them. Do not allow anyone to sit as God over your life and control you with his presumed knowledge and gifts. Develop personal faith in God and deepen your relationship with Him through a regular study of His word and prayers.
Don’t usurp God’s place in other people’s lives.
2 Chronicles 22-25
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