
Showing posts with the label DrDKOlukoya

MFM Daily Devotional 10 August 2023 – Be a Spiritual Warrior

MFM Daily Devotional 10 August 2023  TOPIC:  Be a Spiritual Warrior MEMORY VERSE They fought from the heavens; The stars from their courses fought against Sisera. Judges 5:20 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: The celestial bodies are not just there for ornamental decoration; they have fighting power. Engage them to fight on your behalf. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY The stars of heaven will arise in their courses and fight for you, in the name of Jesus. FIRE SCRIPTURE: Judges 5: 1-31 PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Proverbs 14 – 15; 1 John 3 – 4 MFM Daily Devotional 10 August 2023 MESSAGE The Bible is the greatest spiritual warfare manual. Beloved, God wants you to be a solider and a spiritual warrior because life is not a ballroom, but a battlefield. To reach your goal in life, you must engage in spiritual warfare. Deborah was a spiritual warrior who engaged the heavenlies in her fight. Despite not being a trained physical war...

MFM Daily Devotional 3 August 2023 – God’s People Are Protected (I)

MFM Daily Devotional 3 August 2023 TOPIC: God’s People Are Protected (I) MEMORY VERSE  For in the time of trouble, he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock. Psalm 27:5 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: God is a shield to all those who take refuge in Him. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY Today, God will build a wall of fire round about you, be the glory within you and shine forth, in the name of Jesus. FIRE SCRIPTURE: Psalm 61:1-8 PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 150; Proverbs 1; James 2 – 3 MFM Daily Devotional 3 August 2023 MESSAGE Truly, the perilous times are here. Both believers and unbelievers are aware of the unpleasant happenings that characterise these last days: pestilences and natural disasters that are killing in millions, insecurity of lives and property evidenced in kidnappings, terrorismn and ritual killings, strange deaths through flood, f...

MFM Daily Devotional 2 August 2023 – Symbols of God’s Faithful Care (II)

MFM Daily Devotional 2 August 2023 TOPIC: Symbols of God’s Faithful Care (II) MEMORY VERSE For as a young man marrieth a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee: and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee. Isaiah 62:5 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: Remember that even when every demon in hell stands against you, the God of Abraham remains faithful to all His promises. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY Henceforth, you will experience God’s love and faithful care in a greater dimension, in the name of Jesus. FIRE SCRIPTURE: Ezekiel 34:11-31 PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 148 – 149; Hebrews 13; James 1 MFM Daily Devotional 2 August 2023 MESSAGE Yesterday, we identified three symbols of God’s faithful care to believers. Today, we shall continue this discourse. I encourage you to be in God’s will and partake of this divine privilege. The fourth symbol of God’s faithfulness is that He guides u...

MFM Prayer Points For August 2023

MOUNTAIN OF FIRE AND MIRACLES MINISTRIES NEW MONTH PRAYERS WITH THE GENERAL OVERSEER FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST CONFESSIONS: Psalm 91, 7-10. Praise and Worship PRAYER POINTS Lord, I give You praise for keeping me till today, in the name of Jesus. I take authority over this month. You must cooperate with my destiny, in the name of Jesus. All elemental forces shall work in my favour this month, in the name of Jesus. Heavens of abundant mercy, open unto me by fire, in the name of Jesus. I decree that this month shall be my month of new beginning, in the name of Jesus. Underserved miracles, locate me this month, in the name of Jesus. Underserved favour, locate me this month, in the name of Jesus. Spirit of hardship assigned against me this month, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. Battle like brass, I am not your candidate this month, backfire, in the name of Jesus. Bad habit assigned to cut my life short, I cut you off by fire, in the name of Jesus. Bad habit preparing me for destructi...

MFM Daily Devotional 1 August 2023 – Symbols of God’s Faithful Care (I)

MFM Daily Devotional 1 August 2023 TOPIC:  Symbols of God’s Faithful Care (I) MEMORY VERSE But we were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children. 1 Thessalonians 2:7 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: You can trust God with tomorrow because He was faithful yesterday. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY I decree that the All-Sufficient God will appear in your situation and meet you at the point of your need, in the name of Jesus. FIRE SCRIPTURE: Psalm 103:1-13 PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 146 – 147; Hebrews 11 – 12 MFM Daily Devotional 1 August 2023 MESSAGE Our God is exceptionally loving and caring. The Bible highlights His faithful care for us in several ways. We need to understand this and thank Him for it daily. Let us identify some of the symbols of His faithful care in the Bible. The first symbol of God’s faithful care for us is that He comforts us like a mother. In Isaiah 66:13, the Bible says, “As one w...

MFM Daily Devotional 31 July 2023 – Overcoming Opportunity Wasters (II)

MFM Daily Devotional 31 July 2023  TOPIC:  Overcoming Opportunity Wasters (II) MEMORY VERSE  Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day. the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes. Luke 19:42 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: Highly successful people are children of opportunities. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY You shall not miss your day and time in life, in the name of Jesus. FIRE SCRIPTURE: Matthew 23: 37-39 PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 144 – 145; Hebrews 9 – 10 MFM Daily Devotional 31 July 2023 MESSAGE Yesterday, we started to look at the meaning of opportunity and people that missed opportunities in the Bible. We also looked at various opportunity wasters. Today, we want to look at what to do to overcome opportunity wasters. Procrastination is a cemetery of opportunities. God does not use a person who has had chances and will not take them. Opportunity is ofte...

MFM Daily Devotional 30 July 2023 – Overcoming Opportunity Wasters (I)

MFM Daily Devotional 30 July 2023 TOPIC: Overcoming Opportunity Wasters (I) MEMORY VERSE: For ye know that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place for repentance, though he sought it carefully with fears. Hebrews 12:17 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: God’s best gift to us is not in things but opportunities. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY You shall not miss your opportunties in life, in the name of Jesus. FIRE SCRIPTURE: Genesis 27: 33-41, Mark 6:1-6. PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalm 142 – 143; Hebrews 7 – 8 MFM Daily Devotional 30 July 2023 MESSAGE In life, there are three things that cannot come back the spoken word, the time spent and neglected opportunities. Opportunity has the following meanings (1) It is an opening. (2) It refers to favourable circumstances. (3) It means advantageous situations, a chance and a discovered avenue for profiting. (4) It is taking adva...

MFM Daily Devotional 29 July 2023 – Do Away with Toxic Relationships

MFM Daily Devotional 29 July 2023  TOPIC: Do Away with Toxic Relationships MEMORY VERSE Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go. Proverbs 22:24 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: Never make somebody a priority in your life when you are just an option to them. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY Receive the grace to choose the right relationships, in the name of Jesus. FIRE SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 17: 28-30 PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 140 – 141; Hebrews 5 – 6 MFM Daily Devotional 29 July 2023 MESSAGE A toxic relationship is one that makes you feel unsupported, misunderstood, demeaned or attacked. A relationship is toxic when it constantly makes you to feel less of yourself, thereby reducing your self-esteem. You need wisdom when you relate with neighbours, colleagues and friends. The law of sowing and reaping is powerful. There are times to pay people back in their own coins. If somebody is ...

MFM Daily Devotional 28 July 2023 – Defile Not Your Body (II)

MFM Daily Devotional 28 July 2023  TOPIC:  Defile Not Your Body (II) MEMORY VERSE I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12:1 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: The best way to worship is to become a living sacrifice and make your body His holy temple. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY I pray that iniquity shall not separate you from God and your worship shall not become abomination, in the name of Jesus. FIRE SCRIPTURE: 2 Cor. 6:15-20 PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 138 – 139; Hebrews 3 – 4 MFM Daily Devotional 28 July 2023 MESSAGE What are the things that defile the body? They range from filthy thoughts, filthy imaginations, filthy communication and every kind of immorality. These are the things done by those that are yet to accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Should a child of God be invo...

MFM Daily Devotional 27 July 2023 – Defile Not Your Body

MFM Daily Devotional 27 July 2023  TOPIC:  Defile Not Your Body MEMORY VERSE If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. 1 Cor. 3:17 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: God delights in vessels of honour and not of dishonour. Therefore, keep your body pure and undefiled. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY Agenda of darkness to turn you against your Maker shall not stand nor prosper, in the name of Jesus. FIRE SCRIPTURE: 1 Cor.6:15-20 PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 136 – 137; Hebrews 1 – 2 MFM Daily Devotional 27 July 2023 MESSAGE God, in Genesis chapter 2, having formed man out of the dust of the ground, breathed upon him the Breath of life, which made him a living soul. Note here that the making of man is entirely a divine initiative. God, all by Himself, the Potter who He is, carefully and perfectly moulded this clay to make man. This vessel called body was not...

MFM Daily Devotional 26 July 2023 – Deal With That Pride (II)

MFM Daily Devotional 26 July 2023 TOPIC: Deal With That Pride (II) MEMORY VERSE When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom. Proverbs 11:2 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES When pride knocks on your door, you need to answer with prayer. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY Satanic agenda to enrol you in the school of self-destruction and downfall through pride shall fail woefully, in the name of Jesus. FIRE SCRIPTURE: James 4:6-10 PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 134 – 135; Titus 3; Philemon 1 MFM Daily Devotional 26 July 2023 MESSAGE God hates pride and the proud. He draws the humble close to Himself. In fact, pride creates a vast distance between you and God. Pride is a manifestation of the natural and carnal traits in a man. A truly born-again and Spirit-filled Christian should not be found guilty of this vice. If truly you are for Christ, then you must necessarily possess a humble heart, the mind of Chri...

MFM Daily Devotional 25 July 2023 – Deal With That Pride (I)

MFM Daily Devotional 25 July 2023 TOPIC: Deal With That Pride (I) MEMORY VERSE But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. James 4:6 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES Pride produces ego that needs to be fed and before long you are locked up in your private prison of self-deception. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY I command every self-destructive habit in your life to be destroyed before they destroy you, in the mighty name of Jesus. FIRE SCRIPTURE: Luke 12:15-21 PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 132 – 133; Titus 1 – 2 MFM Daily Devotional 25 July 2023 MESSAGE Pride is an attitude that is negative in all its manifestations. Pride is a vice; it has nothing good to offer those who embrace it. It will rather do more harm than good to anyone that possesses or engages in it. It adds no value, rather, it diminishes and gradually empties the person to the point of shame and d...

MFM Daily Devotional 24 July 2023 – Life-Changing Encounter (II)

MFM Daily Devotional 24 July 2023 TOPIC: Life-Changing Encounter (II) MEMORY VERSE And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as Verse: a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. Genesis 32: 28 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES A divine encounter turned Jacob to Israel. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY The ultimate power of the Unchangeable Changer shall work wonders in your life today, in the name of Jesus. FIRE SCRIPTURE: Genesis 32:24-32 PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 130 – 131; 2 Timothy 3 – 4 MFM Daily Devotional 24 July 2023 MESSAGE Yesterday, we discussed the importance of having an encounter with God and how such an experience can change the course of a life for good. We shall look more into this issue today. In the Old Testament, Jacob’s story readily comes to mind. He was a chest and a supplanter. Subtily, he had stolen the birthright of Esau, his brother, and had ...

MFM Daily Devotional 23 July 2023 – Life-Changing Encounter (I)

MFM Daily Devotional 23 July 2023  TOPIC:  Life-Changing Encounter (I) MEMORY VERSE The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach the good tidings into the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and opening of prison to them that are bound. Isaiah 61:1 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: One encounter with God is all you need for moving from grass to grace. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY Today, you will have a destiny-transforming encounter with the Almighty God, in the name of Jesus. FIRE SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 16:1-13 PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 128 – 129; 2 Timothy 1 – 2 MFM Daily Devotional 23 July 2023 MESSAGE There are encounters that everyone who desires to fulfil destiny should earnestly seek to have. Divine and life-changing encounter is the secret of the greatness that many Bible characters recorded. One encounter with the Most ...

MFM Daily Devotional 22 July 2023 – Fruitfulness In Friendship

MFM Daily Devotional 22 July 2023  TOPIC:  Fruitfulness In Friendship FIRE SCRIPTURE: John 15:13-16 (KJV) MEMORY VERSE “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.”  John 15:16 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: It is not what we have in life, but who we have in our lives that matters. PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY Receive the grace and strength to be fruitful in friendship, in the name of Jesus. BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 126, Psalms 127, 1 Timothy 5, 1 Timothy 6 MFM Daily Devotional 22 July 2023 MESSAGE If you are born again, you have made a wise choice to accept Jesus’ hand of friendship. He doesn’t see you as a servant but as a friend, and he has high expectations from this friendship fruitfulness. Your friendship with Jesus does not mean you have...

MFM Daily Devotional 21 July 2023 – Choose Your Friends Wisely

MFM Daily Devotional 21 July 2023  TOPIC:  Choose Your Friends Wisely MEMORY VERSE Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27:17 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: It is not what we have in life, but who we have in our lives that matters. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY You shall always be connected to the right people and disconnected from the wrong people, in the name of Jesus. FIRE SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 18:1-5 PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 124 – 125; 1 Timothy 3 – 4 MFM Daily Devotional 21 July 2023 MESSAGE You do not get to choose your family. You are bom into it without your permission. But you can choose your friends, so you need to choose them wisely, because a wrong friend can mislead you or destroy every good thing you have ever achieved. A friend is a person with whom you have a bond of mutual affection, one that excludes a sexual or family relationship. A friend, by reason ...

MFM Daily Devotional 20 July 2023 – Lessons from The Life of Phillip (II)

MFM Daily Devotional 20 July 2023  TOPIC:  Lessons from The Life of Phillip (II) MEMORY VERSE:  Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil. Prov.3:5-7 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: When you are divinely led you struggle less in the service of God. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY As you remain connected to the Holy Spirit, you will receive the reward of divine obedience and commitment, in the name of Jesus. FIRE SCRIPTURE: Acts 8: 26-40 PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 124 – 125; 1 Tim 3 – 4 MFM Daily Devotional 20 July 2023 MESSAGE We shall continue to learn more from evangelist Phillip, a man of commitment and dedication to the service of God. He started with being one of those that were set apart for a peculiar assignment in the body of Christ at that ...

MFM Daily Devotional 19 July 2023 – Lessons from The Life of Phillip (I)

MFM Daily Devotional 19 July 2023 TOPIC: Lessons from The Life of Phillip (I) MEMORY VERSE Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men. Prov. 22:29 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: Great lives and ministries make lasting impact on other lives. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY I pray that your life and service unto God shall be a blessing to humanity, in the name of Jesus. FIRE SCRIPTURE: Acts 8:1-13 PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 120 – 121; 2 Thessalonians 2 – 3. MFM Daily Devotional 19 July 2023 MESSAGE The Bible has stories about many people, male and female, whose lives and ministries are worthy of emulation. These verses of scriptures speak volumes about who they were and what they cid. One of such men was Philip, one of the seven deacons appointed to manage the supposedly neglected brethren. A seemingly silent life he lived, yet there are many lessons to l...

MFM Daily Devotional 18 July 2023 – Keys to A Happy Marriage (III)

MFM Daily Devotional 18 July 2023 TOPIC: Keys to A Happy Marriage (III) MEMORY VERSE A soft answer turneth away wrath, but grievous words stir up Verse: anger. Proverbs 15:1 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: Your marriage can be the best on earth if both of you surrender absolutely to Jesus Christ. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY I rebuke the spirit of argument in your marriage, in the name of Jesus. FIRE SCRIPTURE: Prov. 15:1-4 PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 117 – 119; 1 Thessalonians 5; 2 Thessalonians 1 MFM Daily Devotional 18 July 2023 MESSAGE Gentleness is another powerful key to a happy marriage. It is being noble, considerate, tolerant and peace-loving. In Prov. 15:1, the Bible affirms that it is very hard to argue with someone who insists on answering any argument with a soft voice. A rising voice or harsh words will always trigger an angry response. To turn away wrath and seek peace and happiness in your marriage,...

MFM Daily Devotional 17 July 2023 – Keys to A Happy Marriage (II)

MFM Daily Devotional 17 July 2023 TOPIC: Keys to A Happy Marriage (II) MEMORY VERSE And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone. I will make him a help meet for him. Genesis 2:18 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: When Jesus is in a family, the home will enjoy real joy and happiness. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY The agenda of the enemy for your marriage shall fail woefully, in the name of Jesus. FIRE SCRIPTURE: Gen 2:18-24 18 And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. 19 And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. 20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. 21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, a...