Open Heaven Daily Devotional 20 June 2023 – Divine Energy Drink (III)
Open Heaven Daily Devotional 20 June 2023
TOPIC: Divine Energy Drink (III)
“Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.”
(Matthew 10:8)
READ: Matthew 2:1-10 (KJV)
Open Heaven Daily Devotional 20 June 2023 MESSAGE
Beyond great joy, there is a higher concentration of this energy drink which is called ‘Exceeding Great Joy’. In our Bible reading for today, when the wise men who had been travelling a long way, looking for the newborn King saw the star again, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. They continued on their journey as if they had just started. Exceeding great joy gives you the ability to go the extra mile, to do exceedingly great things that ordinary people cannot do.
This exceeding great joy comes from the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). When you get this concentration of joy, people will assume that you are drunk. Imagine seeing two people asking a man who has been lame all his life to stand and walk. That doesn’t make any sense, but it is only possible when you are filled with the Holy Ghost.
One unique thing about this concentration of joy is that as you utilise it, you get even more of it. If you have ever seen someone who the doctors say has only a few more weeks to live and you pray for the fellow, then he or she gets healed and lives for many more decades after that, you would get a new rush of exceeding great joy. Your faith would increase and you would be empowered to do more. Some so many people are filled with the Holy Ghost but never pray for the sick or try to perform any miracle.
Once, when I was crying to God to empower me to work miracles, He told me, “Keep quiet. Have you used the power that I have given you?” I said, “What power?” He answered, “Are you baptised in the Holy Ghost?” I said, “Yes”. He responded, “What does Acts 1:8 say?” I knew what it says, but then I didn’t feel like I had received any power so I responded, “But, I don’t feel powerful” to which He replied, “Did I say the just shall live by feelings or by faith?”
The day after this conversation, a woman brought her dying child who had not slept for days, to me for prayers. I remembered my conversation with God so I prayed for the child. After praying, I opened my eyes to see that the child had fallen asleep. When he woke up, he was completely fine. That boosted my faith and filled my heart with exceeding great joy. I am grateful that He is still filling me with exceeding great joy and working many great miracles through me. He can do the same for you if you surrender all to Him.
Use the power you received when you were baptised in the Holy Ghost to work miracles through faith in Christ Jesus.
Psalms 81-88
Hymn 21 – Standing on the promises of Christ my King
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