MFM Daily Devotional 28 June 2023 – Fishers of Men

MFM Daily Devotional 28 June 2023 TOPIC: Fishers of Men MEMORY VERSE And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. Matthew 4:19 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES:  It is the great business of every Christian to win souls. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY: I decree that as you go about winning souls for God, He will load your life and destiny with immeasurable benefits, in the name of Jesus. FIE SCRIPTURE: Luke 5:1-11 BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalms 57–59; 1 Corinthians 14–15 MFM DAILY DEVOTIONAL 28TH JUNE 2023 MESSAGE Our Fire Scripture today reveals the life-changing encounter that Peter had with Jesus Christ. That encounter was eye-opening for Peter and his colleagues. Simon Peter was a professional fisherman. He knew a lot about his occupation and brought his experience to bear over the years, leading to great catches and success. However, one day, he applied all the strategies, got the timing right, used the right tools, yet he caught nothing all night. He was baffled. Jesus came on the scene and requested to use Peter’s boat. Thank God that Peter obliged and surrendered his boat to Jesus. After Jesus had preached with the boat, He told Peter to launch into the deep for a catch. Peter explained to Jesus how experienced he was in the profession and that Jesus did not get the timing right. The time to fish had passed and now he would not catch any fish. He had launched into the deep at night (the supposed right time) but surprisingly, he caught nothing. When Jesus insisted, Peter said, “Nevertheless at Thy word.” Then he launched into the deep and made a net- breaking catch that he had to call on his colleagues to help him. This was the miracle that won Peter over to the Lord. It beat his imagination. The Bible says that without signs and wonders people will not believe. Then, Jesus told Peter and his colleagues, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” The lesson here is that, just as Peter, James and John were called to active service of discipleship and soul winning, we are also given the Great Commission. Similarly, Jesus wants us to perform signs and wonders as we go winning souls for Him. He said. “These signs shall follow those who believe. In my name they shall cast out devils….. Beloved, in your place of assignment and duty post (workplace, market, etc), always remember that Jesus called you to win souls and populate His kingdom. I encourage you to preach and win souls. Also, demonstrate the love, power and grace of God. Use them to save, heal, deliver souls and meat the numerous needs of unbelievers. By this, they will believe in the God of all possibilities that you serve. MFM DAILY DEVOTIONAL 28TH JUNE 2023  PRAYER POINTS  MORNING 1. Father, give me passion for souls, in the name of Jesus. 2. I refuse to be blind and insensitive to the unsaved and perishing, in


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