DCLM Daily Manna Wednesday 7 June 2023 – Acceptable Access Codes

DCLM Daily Manna Wednesday 7 June 2023  TOPIC:  Acceptable Access Codes TEXT:  Micah 6:6-9 (KJV) KEY VERSE “He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?”  (Micah 6:8) DCLM Daily Manna Wednesday 7 June 2023 MESSAGE In any organisation or institution, people often consciously seek the favour of the leader for easy access to the good things he dispenses. Many of such attempts are manifested in the form of gifts, both in cash and kind, unquestionable obedience and visible show of loyalty and commitment. It is often believed that such actions will be beneficial to the giver in an undue way. Our passage for meditation today opens with a question from a seeker on what the Almighty would be pleased with as a gift for him to be acceptable and blessed. He even listed the common things used in his time to appease the deities! God’s response is spontaneous and very clear. He reminded the enquirer as well as every Christian that He has shewed all “what is good; and what… the LORD require” of all. The Lord requires from us all that we act “justly”, ”love mercy” and “walk humbly with [our] God”. Many rods of reprimand have been appointed to those who failed to access the presence of God using these access codes. The Lord requires that those who have not been able to access His presence because they are using the wrong approach should come to the right understanding and change! A wrong pin or code combination cannot unlock a device. Similarly, a wrong key cannot open a well-locked door or a safe. Approaching the presence of God demands that one does it on His own terms – be just (or righteous), love mercy (or be merciful) and walk humbly with the Lord. Merely depending on offerings, sacrifices by way of giving or service in God’s house and any other thing will not suffice! THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Wisdom is doing things the right way to get the right result. BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Samuel 6-7 https://thechristgospelradio.com/dclm-daily-manna-wednesday-7-june-2023-acceptable-access-codes/?feed_id=2109&_unique_id=647f55d159926


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