MFM Daily Devotional 29 May 2023 – Lessons from The Life of Jonathan (VII)

MFM Daily Devotional 29 May 2023  TOPIC:  Lessons from The Life of Jonathan (VII) BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Chronicles 7–9; John 11:1–29 MEMORY VERSE: A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished. Proverbs 22:3 MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: Who you follow in life determines what follows you. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY: May you not meet those you should miss, in the Name of Jesus. FIRE SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 31:1-2, 2 Samuel 1:23-27 MFM Daily Devotional 29 May 2023 MESSAGE  On a final note, to conclude our study on the life of Jonathan, we want to look at one crucial point that will redefine our relationships. Jonathan, though a man with a heart of gold and a pure soul, did not die and end well, simply because of his association with Saul, his father. An African proverb says that a sheep that keeps company with dogs will definitely eat faeces. This implies that a good person in the wrong company is doomed to bad consequences deemed for his company. In 1 Kings 22:30-33, Jehoshaphat would have died an untimely and cheap death because of his wrong association with the enemy of God. You cannot befriend God’s enemy and expect Him to shield you from evil consequences. Who are your allies? In a business partnership, marriage or any form of relationship at all, who are you following? Prior to Jonathan’s death, Saul had been warned that the battle would not be in the favour of the Israelites and that Saul and his sons would die (1 Samuel 28:18-19). Jonathan would have been privy to this information coupled with the fact that he knew so well that God had rejected his father, he should not have gone with his father into that battle. He knew so well that God was not going to go to this battle with him. Why go? His going to that battle was suicidal just as it happened to Josiah in 2 Chronicles 35:20-24. He heard the warnings but still proceeded all the same into a battle God had not ordained him to fight and he went to the jeopardy of his life. Josiah is another testament that good men can die badly if they are not cautious. How have the mighty fallen and the weapons of warfare perished? MFM Daily Devotional 29 May 2023 PRAYER POINTS MORNING 1. Power ordained to push me into error, die, in the Name of Jesus. 2. Father, redirect my life from the pathway of destruction, in the Name of Jesus. 3. My legs, you will not carry me into trouble, in the Name of Jesus. EVENING 4. O God, arise and show me the secrets of the people I move with, in the Name of Jesus. 5. Ọ God, arise and give me the eyes of Elisha and the ears of Samuel, in the Name of Jesus. 6. Powers of the night, assigned to set me up for evil, carry your load and die, in the Name of Jesus. 7. Negative prophecies and dreams, you will not see the light of the day, die, in the Name of Jesus.


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