MFM Daily Devotional 1 June 2023 – Love Not the World (I)

MFM Daily Devotional 1 June 2023  TOPIC:  Love Not the World (I) MEMORY VERSE Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. You cannot serve two masters, you’re either for the Lord or against Him. James 4:4 MOTIVATED QUOTE:  Make a choice today. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY: Receive the power to live a righteous life above this world and its vanities in Jesus’ name. FIRE SCRIPTURE: 2 Chronicles 26:14-21 BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Job 18 – 20; Acts 4 – 5. MFM Daily Devotional 1 June 2023 MESSAGE In today’s fire scripture, we are warned as Christians not to love the world and the things that are in the world. Those who love the world will perish with the world. Loving the world indicates that you are consumed by the things that are in the world and not the things of the kingdom. You cannot love the world and yet love the Father. John went on to tell us what is in the world; this can be categorized into three, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. They are properties of the world and not of the Father. Today’s memory verse says: friendship with the world is enmity with God. You either love the world, and you don’t love God; or you love God, but not love the world. You can’t sit on the fence! What is the lust of the eyes? Lust is generally an evil craving or desire. The lust of the eyes has to do with your visual power, the temptation to see and covet what you have seen. It can also be regarded as the negative impact of what you see or watch on your mind. When you fail to discipline your eyes, it will be attracted to scenes, persons and things that can easily pollute or corrupt your mind and steal your peace. Hence, you must be careful! Whatever evil attraction through your eyes capable of polluting your spiritual life and destroy the relationship between you and God must be avoided. Do you see and covet another man’s possessions? Are you greedy of gains? Are you promiscuous in your looks? Job said I’ve made a covenant with my eyes, not to look at a maiden. It means; I do not want to look at a woman in a way that it will bring lust to my mind. This is the example of a man who has crucified his eyes. Eve looked and got hooked to the forbidden fruit. David’s sin of adultery started with a strange look at another man’s wife, Bathsheba, wife of Uriah. The second category is the lust of the flesh. This is the inordinate affection and desires that stern from thoughts and imaginations that are contrary to God’s Word. The Bible refers to the works of the flesh in Gal 5:19-21, the conclusion is that those who engage in those things would not inherit God’s kingdom. The flesh is often warring against the spirit because it feeds on camel and ephemeral things. I


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