MFM Daily Devotional 25 March 2023 – Confronting and Defeating Giants
MFM Daily Devotional 25 March 2023
TOPIC: Confronting and Defeating Giants
Memory Verse:
And Caleb stilled the people before Moses and said, let us go up at once, and possess it, for we are well able to overcome it.
Numbers 13:30
Motivational Quote: Your lifting is hidden in your power to arise and confront your opposition.
Prophetic Word For Today.
Today, I prophesy to you, no giant shall conquer you, in the name of Jesus.
Fire Scripture: Numbers 13:25-30
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Samuel 14-15; Hebrews 13; James 1
Confrontation implies a veritable action done fearlessly standing against unfavourable situation, challenging opposition or obstacle on your way to accomplishing a goal. Only the strong and bold can confront and conquer whatever stands in the way to lifting and promotion. The same obtain in the spiritual as in the physical. If your life must have a meaning, you must be ready for confronting and defeating giants in your Promised Land.
In the physical sense, a giant is one whose physical body is immensely bigger than a normal man. Giants, because of their sizes and shapes, usually carve an awesome image for themselves. They are fearful, not just in size, but in their actions also. Little wonder, they are considered as ‘gods’ in their own right. Whosoever then that will fight and destroy any giant must do a serious analysis of the tactics and the weaponry to put into use. As there are physical giants, so are there spiritual giants.
God had promised Israelites that they were going to inherit a land filled with milk and honey, the promised Land. As the Israelites were getting close to the Promised Land, Moses sent 12 spies to go and spy out the place, they went and came back with their reports. Unfortunately, ten out of the twelve gave a fearful picture of what they saw in spite of the milk and honey in that land. The fear of the giants came upon them. They lost faith in the Lord God of Israel who gave His word and is able to make it to come to pass.
But only Joshua and Caleb refused to give in to fear and failure. They saw the power of God, to confront and conquer the giants, their sizes and strength notwithstanding. They truly overcame and possessed the land. Even, Caleb, remained as strong as he was when they took over in his forties and could still boast of confronting and conquering the giants when he was old. This is an example of someone who believed in God, remained strong and faithful all through his years on earth. Who and what are the giant-like persons and situations conforting your life, business, marriage, family, spiritual life and so on?
They could be physical and spiritual giants, situations and wicked personalities afflicting tormenting and harassing your life. Do not lose focus. Do not lose your faith. Refuse to be fearful! Gather yourselves together, remember the Lord God of Israel that helped David to kill Goliath. He is forever alive!
God will g
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