DCLM Daily Manna Tuesday 28 March 2023 – Carelessness in The Last Days
DCLM Daily Manna Tuesday 28 March 2023
TOPIC: Carelessness in The Last Days
Text: Luke 17:20-37 (KJV)
“And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.”
(Luke 17:26)
DCLM Daily Manna Tuesday 28 March 2023 MESSAGE
The lyrics of the song, “I Wish We’d All Been Ready”, written by US songwriter and musician, Larry Norman in 1970, comes to mind. It has been a great influence on believers for decades. The first stanza reads: “Life was filled with guns and war, and everyone got trampled on the flour. I wish we’d all been ready.
Children died, the days grew cold, A piece of bread could buy a bag of gold, I wish we’d all been ready”. And the chorus: “There’s no time to change your mind, the Son has come, and you’ve been left behind…”
Christ laid out the condition of things when He will return to the earth. The days that precede His coming are referred to in Scriptures as the last days or the end times. He predicted that self-love will prevail over the love of God. There will be feasting, eating and drinking, as man lives and acts in utter disrespect and disregard for God and His word. And when He comes to take His people away during the rapture, a lot of people would be left behind.
And seven years after, He returns again for the second phase of His advent. But before then, the Antichrist would have deceived many during the time of the great tribulation, which is described in Scriptures as the time of Jacob’s trouble. Christ will then destroy the Antichrist and his cohorts, put Satan in the bottomless pit, and commence His one thousand years reign of peace.
The days in which we live right now are the last days. These are the days Jesus prophesied about in our text. Sinners are careless about their souls and believers are distracted by celebrations and festivities.
This carelessness will go on until the rapture takes place, and only the few believers who are alive in Christ and remain in fellowship and active service shall be raptured. The remaining careless saints will partake of the sufferings of the great tribulation. How ready are you?
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The greatest gamblers today are Christians who are unmindful of the rapture.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Deuteronomy 25-27
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